María Maldonado, PhD
María Maldonado is an Assistant Professor and CAMPOS Scholar at the UC Davis Department of Plant Biology. Her research focuses on understanding the respiratory chains of photosynthetic organisms. She undertook postdoctoral research with Dr James Letts at UC Davis, where she studied respiratory complexes and supercomplexes of mung bean and Tetrahymena using biochemical and cryoEM approaches. During her PhD, she studied the regulation of chromosomal segregation in mammalian cells with Dr Tarun Kapoor at the Rockefeller University. She holds undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in biochemistry and biotech commercialization from the University of Cambridge. María also worked in the consulting and financial industries for several years between her PhD and postdoc.
Contact: mmaldo at ucdavis dot edu
ORCID: 0000-0002-3428-1053
Pablo Maturana, PhD, Postdoc
Contact: pmaturana at ucdavis dot edu
ORCID: 0000-0003-0686-1605
Jenevieve Weissman, Junior Specialist
Contact: jdweissman at ucdavis dot edu
Clare Richards, Lab Manager
Contact: crichards at ucdavis dot edu
ORCID (Clare Bolduc): 0000-0002-1321-6017
Karina Bejar, Undergraduate Researcher
Yuxin Jiang, Undergraduate Researcher
Max Xu, Undergraduate Researcher
Catherine Wang, Undergraduate Researcher
Viktoria Dubinin, Undergraduate Researcher
Shriya Jain, Undergraduate Researcher
Han-Nha Tiet, Undergraduate Researcher
Yuxin Jiang, Undergraduate Researcher
Reece Riddle, Postdoc
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